Donations & Sponsoring

Please support the 'Cycling out of Poverty' Project

When I read web pages of other journeys, I sometimes encounter people who rode for a good course. I also would like to donate money, given by people we meet when we are on the move, to the following good course.

Cycling out of Poverty

Cycling out of Poverty FlyerThis is a project that shows how people can escape poverty by the use of the bicycle. It is to be seen on the (dutch) web site: On their web site there is also a summary in English.

What is Cycling out of poverty? Cycling out or poverty is a Dutch foundation engaging in fundraising for bicycle micro credit projects in Africa. Many poor Africans lack money to buy a bicycle but do have a view on how a bicycle could be used to earn a livelihood. These people can turn to one of our African partner organisations and apply for a 'Cycling out of poverty'-subsidised bicycle which they can pay off in monthly installments. The beneficiaries receive the bicycle at the first down payment so they can use the bicycle to earn some extra money with which to pay off the bicycle and cycle their way out of poverty.

There are various reasons to chose Cycling out of Poverty as a Sponsor goal:

I will not actively ask people for money. I give money to the organisation above.

The results of the Cycle out of Poverty project so far (11-03-2008):
Burkina Faso: € 7.978. Bicycles: 144
Ghana: € 4.871. Bicycles: 90
Oeganda: € 9.871. Bicycles: 145