Extra photo's

Some pictures Menno found to complete the 'story'

flat tire
Bad luck... A flat tire! (1981)

My parents on a bikeAll people cycle in the Netherlands. Here my parents who supported and raised me with cycling.

Rieneke downhill (1981)

Menno at work in his early years...Menno at work in the early years (1988)

Rotterdam to Paris Menno in support recumbent for runner 1995Rotterdam to Paris. Menno in support recumbent for runner (1995)

Leontien along the moezelWith Leontien in the rain near the Jura Still smilingLeontien (1992 & 2005)

With Leontien along the Moezel (1992)

With Leontien at the coast of France (2005)

Netherlands to Switserland without a tent

With Max in Basel, Switzerland (2002)